Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Farm? My Life | TBN Ranch


How nice to have a little farm with chickens and critters on our very own dirt patch.? I remember that to be my dream from little girl on. Nine years ago we bought TBN Ranch.? It?s considered a small acreage property, but nevertheless the work involved to keep it clean and well manicured is every bit a full time job. Of course when we bought this property I already had a job, and a family household to take care of too. So, I?m pretty sure it?s safe to say nobody has ever called me lazy!

The ranch has gone through many changes, including what it?s been used for. We don?t board horses anymore, except for the occasional overnight visitor. I don?t miss the hard work, certainly not the expense, and I?m especially pleased to bid farewell to that constant lingering drama among boarders. There?s no more worry about freeloaders, or horses destroying my corrals and pens either. Last but not least, I will never again wake up to find a boarder has skipped out on their board bill? in the middle of the night.

There have been many other drastic life altering events here at the ranch in the last two years. Job losses, career changes,? and my hopefully temporary physical limitations. It?s taken me awhile to realize that change is not necessarily bad, just different. Blessings are sometimes in disguise, mine forced me to open new doors and explore opportunities that I might have otherwise overlooked.

TBN Ranch is our home, a safe haven for all our animals, and more than ever, it has become my pride and joy. Our ranch sign is proudly displayed on the road same as always. But to us, our ranch has changed into something even better? a little farm.

Wherever the future takes us will always be a mystery, I suggest we all just go with the flow and enjoy the journey.

amy elizabeth, TBN Ranch

amy elizabeth, writer poet, author. Lives in the northeastern reaches of the Sonoran Desert on a small hobby farm.


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