Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Various applications of body piercings | Entertainment

Entertainment | Entertainment | * Written by Nolon | Sunday, 12 August 2012 22:31 | Word Count: 510

Body piercing is said to be one of the latest trends which is followed nowadays among young people. For them, it symbolizes modernization and attraction. But body modification had been in existence right from the ancient period of civilization. In 500 BC piercings came into existence by Egyptians to show their pride and novelty. Piercings were said to be the symbol of respect and royalty of Egyptian rulers and commanders. Only they are allowed to wear those gold jewels whereas other slaves and common people were restricted to wear those jewels since it was considered to be the ruler?s identification. From Egypt it was spread to other nations like Rome, Africa and so on. But each nation had used it for different reasons and specifications. In Rome wearing pierced body jewels were used among soldiers in battlefield. They used to wear it in their chest to show others that they are brave and strong. Even Caesar had used to do the same kind of wearing in order to combine his battle men. Americans used tongue piercing since the blood comes from it makes them go closer to god. Likewise these practices had been used for several reasons right from the ancient period.

Piercing is nothing but creating a body opening by cutting a part from which gold jewel can be worn into it. As generations passes, penetrating part got stretched or extended in which jewels of big size can be worn into it. These types of activities have been practiced for various reasons nowadays. Many used to wear pierced jewels to show the latest trend to other people. It?s been used among various celebrities and sportsmen for fashion reasons. Some of them use it to display their character identity to others whereas some people use it for their traditional and spiritual purposes. However it also creates negative impact on people wearing this jewel which depends on type of piercing. Piercing at unusual parts make people think strange and thus creating negative thoughts.

The most common type of piercing is to get pierced in ears in which it is allowed as a usual code in schools, colleges and even in offices. Wearing jewels in various parts of ear like ear lobes, thick fleshy part are more common in showing tradition.Nowadays dresses have been stitched to show that specific part. This is considered as one of the latest trending activities which takes place right now.

There are some specific piercing types which displays cute self-expressions. Wearing gold jewels in lip, eyebrows and nose are most attractive type of penetrating. These are all the elegant way of showing the trends to people, which? will be always accepted as the common practice. Hope the above said facts clearly describes about various piercings and guidelines.

Looking to know more about piercings?http://clubtattoo.com/ is considered to be one of the leading specialists in applying tattoos and body piercings. To know more about the services they offer kindly visit the website at http://clubtattoo.com/locations/

Article Source: Article Directory - http://www.freearticleforyou.com

Additional Information on AuthorArticle Directory Author

Author of this article: Nolon.

Nolon joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Thursday, 21 June 2012.

Source: http://www.freearticleforyou.com/Entertainment/Entertainment/various-applications-of-body-piercings.html

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