Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fitmarks: Calories and weight loss simplified

Underestimating calories is the number one problem for most people who claim to not be able to lose weight, despite following what they consider to be a "healthy" diet.

I have lost count of the number of times someone has asked me what else they can do to kick start? the weight loss. They have started off their new health regime with exercise three times a week, cut out the alcohol and junk food (apart from weekends of course!!). They then weigh themselves weekly and the scales don't budge.? This goes on for a few weeks and they begin to wonder if they have something wrong with them.? Thyroids, big bones, genes (my parents were overweight), leptin levels, stress, metabolic disorders even fat viruses have all had the finger pointed at them at some point .

Its funny how we don't release the fat virus into starving villages in third world countries, surely that would solve the problems there? Or maybe a bowl of rice and some muddy water every few days is eating "under maintenance"

you're best option for guaranteed weight loss is to start making a food diary and add up all the calories.? Do this over seven days and work out the average for each day of the week.? Try this free calorie counter? and food log .? Be strict with yourself here; it's only you who needs to know and ultimately will benefit most.

If your weight is staying the same week after week the calories you are consuming are at a maintenance level.? You will continue spinning your wheels or just give up altogether out of frustration and clothes shopping will become more and more of a nightmare.

Lets keep things simple. Simply reduce your calories by just 200 a day.? That's all. If your weight has been creeping up? then try cutting out 500 calories, if that doesn't work keep cutting back by 200 until things turn around. And they will do. The weight will slowly come down and your weighing sessions will be something to look forward to and be proud of!

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