Friday, March 9, 2012

ARTICLES MANIAC ? Children Born With Microtia

What is Microtia? Microtia is a congenital ear deformity where the outer ear is underdeveloped. It is not a very common birth defect, occurring once to every 8,000 to 10,000 children born. There are four grades of microtia ranging in severity from no visible outer ear whatsoever to a completely developed, normal ear with a small external ear canal. Microtia may affect both ears (bilateral) or only one (unilateral) but right side unilateral microtia of the ear is most common in children born with this condition.

Hearing loss depends on the severity or grade of the ear deformity. A BAER test (Brain Stem Auditory Response Test) and CT scans can be done to measure the amount of hearing the individual has. Usually the mid and inner ear are intact and present in the microtic ear or ears. But sometimes microtia and atrasia (the underdevelopment of the mid and inner ear) can be in conjunction with one another. Surgery to open the external ear canal can be preformed, but not every child may be a candidate for this procedure

. If an ear canal is made where none exists, complications can occur because of the body?s natural tendency to heal an open wound shut. Most doctors opt that it is a risky and unnecessary procedure and believe that modern hearing aids are a better and just as effective solution.

If a child does not get some sort of hearing loss treatment, the child may fall back in school because of hearing difficulties and speech delay. Schools can usually accommodate children with a disability and as such for hearing loss and may seat them in the front of the classroom or use an FM system (a teacher speaks into a microphone and the sound is transmitted into a speaker on a desk or into an earpiece fitted to the child?s ear). Often speech therapy is needed for children born with microtia and atrasia to learn how to enunciate and understand verbal language. Also to consider is the mere aesthetic look of an ear deformity, not to mention the tender feelings of self-consciousness of a growing child.

Outer ear reshaping surgery can be done when the child is at least 6, but most doctors suggest to wait until the age of 10 when the ear is more adult sized. One technique is to graft rib cartilage to create an external ear. Because it is the child?s own cartilage, it is supposed to grow with the child. There is also the method of implanting a porous framing material called polyethylene plastic so that the patients tissue grows into and on this implant. It usually takes a few surgeries to perfect this kind of reconstruction. Silicone, custom-made, realistic prosthetic ears also can be made instead of ear reshaping surgery. They require a few minutes of care each day and can be attached with titanium screws or magnetically, simultaneously with a hearing aid. Although any birth defect can be unfortunate. With the medical science we have today, children born with the congenital ear deformity called Microtia can restore their hearing loss, look normal, and live a fulfilled life.

Microtia, a Fixable Soluton

Also to consider is the mere aesthetic look of an ear deformity, not to mention the tender feelings of self-consciousness of a growing child. Outer ear reshaping surgery can be done when?. Learn more at Microtia and hearing loss


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