Thursday, May 23, 2013

Part 1 - Doug A. Hay, Small Business Internet Marketing, Social Media

Choosing the Best Social Media for Your Small Business ? Part 1

?Facebook and LinkedIn and Twitter, oh my!?

Yes, like Dorothy waking up in Oz, determining which social media are right for your small business can be daunting. And like Dorothy, you may not know which direction to go, especially since you might not want all your time to be eaten by Facebook and LinkedIn and Twitter, oh my . . .

There are guidelines that can help you decide and questions to ask yourself about what you want when using social media for business.

This post will give you an overview of the strengths of some of the top social media platforms and Part 2 will focus on what you want from your social media campaign to help you determine which networks will work best for your business.

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter - Chat with Your Fans and Friends

Best Social Media for Your Small BusinessFacebook offers quantity. This Goliath of all social media networks has over 50% of all households in the United States and approximately 900 million accounts worldwide. FB has what are called Timelines, which are personal pages where you communicate with people on your friends list, and Business Fan Page, where you can interact with those individuals who like your page. You can post pictures, videos, questions and fans can comment back as well. In addition to making your company more visible via Facebook, you may find some of your fans becoming some of your customers.

LinkedIn is designed for professional use, and has developed the specialty market of social media Human Resources. If you want to cast your hiring net onto the social media seas, you won?t do better than casting it into the LinkedIn lagoon. LinkedIn also features an effective system of introducing people to one another via referrals from mutual acquaintances.

Twitter has developed the art of ?sound-bite? communication in social media marketing. Your Tweets cannot be longer than 140 characters, including spaces. So think in terms of a headline when you think of Twitter. It?s great to garner attention for blogs you?re releasing(linked back to your website) and promotions. With Twitter you get the word out into a universe of now, now, now, because the Twitter feed keeps on rolling by. Send out Tweets more than once to capture attention from different viewing audiences. Tweeters are very expressive so expect to hear responses from your public.

Show Your Business off with Visual-Centric Social Media Networks

YouTube is a mini film festival in cyberspace that never closes and grows exponentially daily, both in content and viewership. Recommendations for YouTube video lengths are 30 seconds to 3 minutes if you want your viewer to watch it all. This is a great medium for an up-close and personal?Show & Tell? of your products and services, increasing people?s understanding of what you do by leaps and bounds. Linking all your videos to your website and other social media networks gives you promotional mileage and consequently a larger viewing audience.

Pinterest is the hot new social media darling, and with good reason. This rising star statistically has the most rapid growth rate, proportionately, of any of the social media networks since its release in March of 2010. Pinterest is self-defined as ?a tool for collecting and organizing the things you love.?Particularly good for businesses that have great visual images to share, like the leisure travel industry for example, the online scrapbook can help your business become collected and loved by pinners globally.

Explore some of the key questions to ask yourself about what you need and want from your social media in Part 2 of ?Choosing the Best Social Media for your Small Business.?

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Doug Hay & Associates and a clickable link back to this page.


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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Understand The Customer Journey Online And Increase Sales

Savvy marketers know that people usually don?t buy products or services immediately. Often times, multiple interactions are needed before a person is ready to make a purchase.?These can be online and offline interactions with your brand or products and services. To help you gain a deeper and better understanding of how your target market behaves in terms of the buying cycle, Google has recently launched a new tool in their Think Insights page called the Customer Journey to Online Purchase.

This tool provides insights for many different industries and countries including the United States, Canada, Brazil, UK, and more. As a business owner or marketeer it?s very important to understand the buying cycle (the green/blue bar in the image below). And, as the image shows, people can be influenced by multiple channels and interactions including emails, paid search (like Google Adwords or Bing Ads), social media and from referring sites:

online channels

Source: Google

Google?s tool helps you to dial in on your market to gain a better understanding of the whole process and where you should focus your attention on. For example, when looking at the travel industry in Canada, we can see that the channels Email and Social play an important role as Assistants. This means these are valuable channels that help drive conversions/purchases.?Click on the screenshot below to enlarge.

online channels travel canada

Source: Google

I suggest you play around with this new tool and see if you can get some new insights from this valuable data. This in turn can help you make better informed marketing decisions that enables you to increase sales and optimize the use of the various online marketing channels available to you.


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Pump Up the Jams With NuForce?s Mobile Music Pump

Pump Up the Jams With NuForce’s Mobile Music Pump
If you're looking to maximize the volume of the tunes streaming from your mobile device, regular earbuds or over-ear headphones just won't cut it. What you need is a headphone amplifier like, say, NuForce's new Mobile Music Pump.


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Ready for an all-new iMore show? It's coming your way tomorrow!

Ready for an all-new iMore show? It's coming your way tomorrow!

The iMore show has been an overwhelming success, reaching more of you, in more ways, then many of us here on the site could have possibly imagined. However, it didn't include you as much as any of us have wanted. Increasingly the iMore show had become more about awesome interviews and less about our even more awesome community.

So, tomorrow, we're changing that. A lot.

Now, the current iMore show isn't going to go away. It too will change. It'll get a new name, and become something closer akin to Dubug and Iterate. More on that later, though! For now, here's what's happening with the NEW iMore show:

  1. We're changing the day and time. We're moving it back to Wednesday and we're moving it to the afternoon, Eastern Time. We're still working out the details, and we'll announce the exact time tomorrow. That's right, no more conflict with Game of Thrones, Mad Men, or whatever else you were watching!

  2. Peter Cohen will be our new, fairly consistent co-host, but other members of the iMore and Mobile Nations families will be joining us from week to week as well. Also, we're not going to be abandoning guests entirely. We aim to have some fantastic folks join us as well to help round out the shows and keep up the variety.

  3. And yes, that mean's we're changing the format. As much as being able to do a one man show is important as a last-ditch backup, and as much as I enjoy interviews, what makes iMore great are the many voices we have here. So, we're switching back to the panel-type format we used to use, and that our other site-shows like Android Central and CrackBerry use.

  4. The subject matter we cover will expand from mostly news and hot topics to a better balance of news, apps, accessories, and... Q&A. Yours, the communities, is the most important voice we have and part of our new panel will be YOU. What that means is that we'll be using the chatroom more than ever before, but what's more -- you'll be able to send us audio and video questions or comments and we'll play them live during the show.

Want to be on the new iMore show tomorrow? Here's what you need to do RIGHT NOW:

  • Grab your iPhone, iPad, or the device of your choice and record a short (30 second) video asking us your question. Upload it to the internet, and send us the link -- Don't send the video file itself, just the YouTube, Dropbox, or other video hosting link -- to
  • While we prefer video -- it's a video show! -- audio is fine as a fallback. Just use Voice Memo on iOS, or whatever recording app you like best, ask the question, and email the audio file to <

That's it! That's all you need to do to be on the all new, all encompassing iMore show!

We'd also love to hear any other suggestions you may have for the show as well. So, run -- don't walk -- to the comments and let me know. If you could have your dream iMore show, what would it be? What segments would we include? What guests would we invite on? What kind of Q&A would we do?



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Max Payne creator Remedy Games crafting 'Quantum Break' for Xbox One

Max Payne creator Remedy Games crafting 'Quantum Break' for Xbox One

The folks behind such games as the original Max Payne and Alan Wake are crafting a next-gen experience for the Xbox One in "Quantum Break." The tease video we saw showed a young girl, in real life, with her parents -- she apparently sees through time, and is able to convey what she sees, as she places a hand on her mother which shows her a massive war ship crashing through a bridge. We're then taken to an office building lobby being shot up. It's ... not clear at all what all this has to do with anything, but there you have it. We'll have more details as soon as possible.

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Lawyer: No background check done on Jackson doctor

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? AEG Live LLC did not conduct any background checks or supervise the doctor who was later convicted of killing Michael Jackson, a corporate attorney testified Tuesday in a lawsuit claiming the concert promoter was negligent in hiring the physician.

AEG Live General Counsel Shawn Trell told jurors that no legal or financial checks were done involving Conrad Murray or anyone else who worked as an independent contractor on the "This Is It" shows.

Jackson's mother Katherine is suing AEG claiming it failed to properly investigate Murray, who was deeply in debt when he agreed to serve as Jackson's tour physician in 2009 for $150,000 a month.

Trell said he thought a background check would be appropriate for people working in financial roles, but not tour personnel who weren't employees of AEG.

Murray's employment status is a central issue in the case. Katherine Jackson's lawyers contend he was hired by AEG, but the company denies it hired him and notes the singer died before signing the doctor's contract.

Trell also acknowledged while testifying that numerous people in the company knew of concerns that Jackson's health was declining.

Five days before Jackson died, AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips alerted the promoter's parent company that Jackson had missed a rehearsal and didn't appear to be ready for his comeback concerts.

"We have a real problem here," Phillips wrote in the message to the CEO of Anschutz Entertainment Group.

Trell agreed with a statement by plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish that company executives knew by then there was a "deep issue" with Jackson.

Trell also said he continued discussions with an insurance broker about additional coverage to recoup AEG Live's investment if the tour had to be canceled.

Hours after Phillips sent the warning email, attorney John Branca, who later became co-executor of Jackson's estate, offered to enlist a spiritual and substance abuse specialist to help Jackson, according to an email shown in court.

On that same day, Phillips and others met with Jackson and Murray at the singer's home.

Hours later, Phillips sent an email to tour director Kenny Ortega telling him not to worry. Ortega had expressed grave concerns about Jackson.

"This doctor is extremely successful ? we check everyone out ? and he does not need this gig so he (is) totally unbiased and ethical," Phillips wrote.

Panish called Phillips' statement "a flat out lie" and asked Trell whether he agreed with it or if it signified how AEG did business. Trell said he didn't know what Phillips thought he knew when he wrote the message.

"I know this statement is not accurate, but you'd have to speak with Mr. Phillips about what he thought or meant in saying it," Trell said.

Phillips is listed as a potential witness in the case, and Trell said he expects him to testify later in the trial.

Outside court, AEG's attorney Marvin S. Putnam declined comment on the email or Panish's characterization of it.

Trell also said on Tuesday that no one at AEG supervised or monitored Murray, who was convicted in 2011 of administering a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to Jackson.

Trell is considered the most knowledgeable person on numerous issues involving the shows, including contracts and Jackson's health. He has not yet been questioned by AEG's trial lawyers.

Earlier in the day, Trell revised previous testimony in which he told jurors that tour director Ortega worked on "This Is It" without a contract.

The lawyer said Monday that Ortega worked under an agreement forged through a series of emails but didn't have a signed contract.

On Tuesday, he told jurors he was mistaken, and Ortega did have a contract. The agreement was signed in April and included three pages of legal text and several pages of emails laying out the terms.

Trell said he had been reminded of Ortega's agreement by AEG's trial attorneys.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at


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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Idaho couple and Sun Valley in Twitter tussle

(AP) ? A central Idaho couple is suing the Sun Valley Co. and the Twitter Inc. social media site seeking to bar the resort from using the handle "SunValley."

Leonard Barshack and Erin Smith, the husband and wife, also said the San Francisco-based company should return the Internet handle to them because they had been using it for about three years and weren't impersonating the Idaho resort.

The Idaho Mountain Express reports the resort sought to use the handle in October. That's when Twitter sent Barshack an email, saying he was in violation of the Twitter's rules.

"At that time, Twitter gave the following reason for the suspension, 'We have received a valid report and determined that your account, (at)sunvalley, is engaged in non-parody impersonation,'" according to the Barshack's complaint, filed earlier this month in Idaho's 5th District Court in Blaine County.

Twitter's policy ? meant to curb unwanted or inappropriate Internet impersonation ? mandates that an account's profile information "should make it clear that the creator of the account is not actually the same person or entity" as the subject of the impersonation.

But Barshack contends he never impersonated Sun Valley and only periodically sent messages, or tweets, since registering for the handle around April 2010.

He said his tweets covered a variety of subjects, including Apple products like the iPhone, local weather, including ski conditions, a pig roast and skiing.

He told The Associated Press on Monday that he wasn't trying to undermine the resort's operation or reputation.

"My long-term plan was to promote local business," Barshack said. "One day I woke up, and Twitter had taken my handle away."

He contends that Twitter has provided him a "boiler plate" response to multiple emails he sent seeking to have the handle returned to his control.

"I never could get anywhere," he said.

Jack Sibbach, Sun Valley's spokesman, didn't return a phone call. Twitter also didn't respond to an email seeking comment.

The complaint acknowledges Barshack used an image of a sun to accompany his tweets, but he contends it was sufficiently different from the resort's trademark so as not to cause confusion.

The resort's logo consists of a sun, positioned above and to the right side of the words "Sun Valley," according to the complaint, which adds that the resort allowed its registration for a stand-alone sun to lapse.

Barshack contends he used only a stand-alone sun to accompany his tweets.

In the lawsuit, he wants attorney's fees and any other compensation the court deems appropriate.


Information from: Idaho Mountain Express,


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Extreme global warming seen further away than previously thought

By Environment Correspondent Alister Doyle

OSLO (Reuters) - Extreme global warming is less likely in coming decades after a slowdown in the pace of temperature rises so far this century, an international team of scientists said on Sunday.

Warming is still on track, however, to breach a goal set by governments around the world of limiting the increase in temperatures to below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial times, unless tough action is taken to limit rising greenhouse gas emissions.

"The most extreme rates of warming simulated by the current generation of climate models over 50- to 100-year timescales are looking less likely," the University of Oxford wrote about the findings in the journal Nature Geoscience.

The rate of global warming has slowed after strong rises in the 1980s and 1990s, even though all the 10 warmest years since reliable records began in the 1850s have been since 1998.

The slowdown has been a puzzle because emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases have continued to rise, led by strong industrial growth in China.

Examining recent temperatures, the experts said that a doubling of carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere above pre-industrial times - possible by mid-century on current trends - would push up temperatures by between 0.9 and 2.0 degrees Celsius (1.6 and 3.6F).

That is below estimates made by the U.N. panel of climate scientists in 2007, of a rise of between 1 and 3 degrees Celsius (1.8-5.4F) as the immediate response to a doubling of carbon concentrations, known as the transient climate response.


The U.N. panel also estimated that a doubling of carbon dioxide, after accounting for melting of ice and absorption by the oceans that it would cause over hundreds of years, would eventually lead to a temperature rise of between 2 and 4.5 C


Findings in the new study, by experts in Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Switzerland and Norway, broadly matched that range for the long-term response.

But for government policy makers "the transient response over the next 50-100 years is what matters," lead author Alexander Otto of Oxford University said in a statement.

The oceans appear to be taking up more heat in recent years, masking a build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that passed 400 parts per million this month for the first time in human history, up 40 percent from pre-industrial levels.

Professor Reto Knutti of ETH Zurich, one of the authors, said that the lower numbers for coming decades were welcome.

But "we are still looking at warming well over the two degree goal that countries have agreed upon if current emission trends continue," he said.

Temperatures have already risen by about 0.8 Celsius (1.4F) since the Industrial Revolution and two degrees C is widely viewed as a threshold to dangerous changes such as more floods, heatwaves and rising sea levels.

"The oceans are sequestering heat more rapidly than expected over the last decade," said Professor Steven Sherwood of the University of New South Wales in Australia, who was not involved in the study.

"By assuming that this behaviour will continue, (the scientists) calculate that the climate will warm about 20 percent more slowly than previously expected, although over the long term it may be just as bad, since eventually the ocean will stop taking up heat."

He said findings "need to be taken with a large grain of salt" because of uncertainties about the oceans.


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Kremlin orders Russian pollster to register itself as 'spy'

Russia's only independent polling agency, the Levada Center, may face closure after Russian prosecutors ordered it to register as a "foreign agent" ? a term that's synonymous with "spy" in Russian ? under a new law designed to clamp down on nongovernmental organizations that receive any amount of funding from abroad and engage in any form of activity that authorities deem political.

The prosecutor's warning, delivered to the Levada Center on Monday and reproduced on the agency's website, essentially declares that Levada's world-renowned public opinion research is not considered by Russian authorities to be scientific work but rather "political activity" that is "aimed at shaping public opinion on government policy."

Levada, a registered NGO, is the only one of three major Russian pollsters that is independent of state funding and management. It has often had a tense relationship with the Kremlin. But many experts expressed surprise Monday over the prosecutor's threat, if only because Levada's sociological research ? including regular tracking polls on Vladimir Putin's public popularity ? has always been highly regarded on all sides of the political spectrum and is constantly cited by officials, parliamentarians, and state-run media.

RECOMMENDED: Do you know anything about Russia? A quiz.

In a statement, Levada's director Lev Gudkov said the order to cease publishing its work until it registers as a "foreign agent" puts the agency in "an extremely difficult situation."

"The prosecutors office is hanging our organization on the hook of possible fines while at the same time undermining its credibility and business reputation. Basically, the extremely vague definitions of 'political activity' and 'foreign funding' being applied here allow for the most arbitrary and elastic interpretations.... Hence, we face the possibility of administrative action against the management of our agency and even possible liquidation," he said.

Dozens of Russian NGOs have already been ordered by prosecutors to wear the "foreign agent" label in all their public activities, or face crippling fines and, ultimately, police shutdown. None have yet complied with the order, which they say does nothing to improve financial transparency and is solely designed to destroy their credibility with the Russian public, official institutions, and other organizations by saddling them with a label that means "spy" and nothing else in Russian.

Among those that have been singled out by prosecutors are the grassroots election monitoring organization Golos, the corruption watchdog Transparency International, and human rights monitors such as Memorial.

All of the targeted groups insist that they do not engage in partisan political activities of any kind, but that prosecutors are deploying a definition of "political" that includes any activities that might irritate authorities.

"This is not an attack against us specially but it is part of a growing assault against all NGOs and active civil society," says Alexei Grazhdankin, Levada's deputy director.

"What authorities want to do with Levada is to regulate the way we do our sociological work and control our relations with clients.... We are not engaged in political activity because we do not interfere, we just track the changes in public opinion and record them. It's not clear to us how this law is being applied, or how the publication of our data can be interpreted as a means to influence public opinion," he says.

"When some of our polls about Putin or the government get published, they get angry at us. We do other polls about the protest movement and the opposition that get them upset. We're just doing our job, which is to try to shed light on what's happening in the country," he adds.

The prosecutor's warning letter alleges that Levada has received $777,000 over the past four years in funding from outside groups such as the MacArthur Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and George Soros? OSI Assistance Foundation.

The agency also earns money by doing sociological research and market surveys on behalf of foreign clients, Mr. Grazhdankin says.

In his statement, Mr. Gudkov insists that such funding has not amounted to more than 3 percent of Levada's budget in recent years.

"Unlike other polling organizations, we have no direct state financing or state grants for carrying out surveys that often entail significant financial and organizational expenses," writes Gudkov. "The funds we have received from foreign sources (including donations and grants won on a competitive basis) or payment for ordered surveys by foreign organizations (such as universities, mass-media, universities and consulting firms) makes up an insignificant part of the budget of Levada Center, basically between 1.5 percent and 3 percent in various years," he added.

All major NGOs have agreed among themselves to refuse prosecutors' orders to don the "foreign agent" label, which they argue is tantamount to swallowing a poison pill.

The authorities' next step, many analysts argue, will be to step up the pressure with huge fines until the biggest NGOs buckle, or send in police to close them down.

"In a sense we are returning to Soviet times, when all political information will be generated and doled out by the authorities," says Dmitry Oreshkin, head of the Mercator Group, an independent Moscow media consultancy.

"It's a convenient situation for the authorities, who can just write down the number of votes they need and it will be so reported. Economic indexes will grow constantly, and support for our beloved leader will be always buoyant. And it will go on that way until everything once again collapses," he says.

RECOMMENDED: Do you know anything about Russia? A quiz.

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Who will treat arthritis? | Revista Women s Health

Types of therapists?

When you begin to own issues relating to illness} or area unit commencing to expertise symptoms and signs related to the disease, the primary step is to decide on the correct doctor or healer. whereas several patients area unit below the belief that it?s solely the medically trained doctor that may treat inflammatory disease, this is often not the case.

In fact, there area unit several specialists and therapists UN agency will facilitate treat inflammatory disease symptoms in their own ways that. there?s nomenclature that?s used relating to the various differing kinds of therapists that is delineate below further as however they assist inflammatory disease patients to trot out their condition. *

Health Professionals UN agency Treat inflammatory disease

The following area unit a number of the various differing kinds of health professionals that treat individuals with arthritis:

Primary care docs: These area unit doctors that area unit the patient?s medical care physician, that means they?re the ?regular? doctor that the patient sees. medical care physicians area unit accountable for referring the patient to alternative specialists. These doctors area unit called ?general physicians? or GPs and aren?t specialists.

Rheumatologists: Rheumatologists focus on conditions with reference to the joints and focus on inflammatory disease treatments and alternative conditions that have an effect on the bones, muscles and joints.

Orthopedists: Orthopedists area unit doctors that focus on treating joint and bone diseases and surgeries for the diseases

Physical therapists: conjointly noted as physiotherapists area unit professionals within the health care system that employment with patients victimization numerous techniques like exercise to assist the patient improve the operate and quality of their joints.

Occupational therapists: These therapists area unit professionals within the health care system that educate patients on the assorted ways that and techniques to conserve energy, minimize pain and shield joints.

Dietitians: Dieticians area unit professionals within the health care system UN agency education patients on the way to eat healthy and improve their daily diet and the way to keep up and management a healthy weight.

Nurse educators: These area unit professionals within the health care system that focus on caring for patients and serving to them to grasp their overall condition and implement the treatment plans ordered by the doctors.

Physiatrists (rehabilitation specialists): Physiatrists area unit doctors UN agency have trained to assist patients to regain their physical potential.

Acupuncture therapists: These therapists area unit professionals within the health care system then treat patients with stylostixis techniques that area unit the insertion of needles into their skin and ends up in up physical functions and reducing pain.

Psychologists: These professionals within the health care system facilitate patients address troublesome times in their lives like medical conditions, hardships among the work, or hassle reception or in relationships.

Social worker: These health care professionals give facilitate to patients that have social challenges as a result of associate unhealthiness, home health care, money hardships, incapacity and alternative desires relating from the person?s medical condition.

Naturopaths: These area unit therapists within the health care system that treats their patients through natural means that solely.

Homeopaths: These area unit therapists within the health care system that focus on a holistic, natural and safe treatment for variety of sicknesses and ailments that embody inflammatory disease, toothache, headaches, hay fever, diarrhea, eczema, depression, and asthma..

Herbalists: Herbalists area unit professionals UN agency area unit educated within the field of seasoning medication and therefore the healing properties of plants. They resort to several alternative ways to treat their patients that embody seasoning supplements, leaves, crude plants, seeds and dried roots. the assorted plant elements area unit accustomed treat the patient?s unwellness as well as patients with inflammatory disease.

When treating inflammatory disease, it?s vital that you simply read yourself and your doctor or healer as a team. you may got to work closely along so as to confirm the simplest care. Treatment among patients that have an honest relationship with their doctors and therapists tends to own higher results.

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What's Yahoo Announcing at Its Event Tonight?

This morning Yahoo announced it bought Tumblr for $1.1 billion, along with a GIF and a promise "not to screw it up." The Mayer-ship is hosting a "product-related" event in New York City tonight. We'll be there covering it live. But just what's the company talking about? Here's what we've heard so far:




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Monday, May 20, 2013

10 Things to Know for Monday

Metro-North employees work at the site of Friday's train derailment in Bridgeport. Conn. on Sunday, May 19, 2013. Crews will spend days rebuilding 2,000 feet of track, overhead wires and signals following the collision between two trains Friday evening that injured 72 people, Metro-North President Howard Permut said Sunday. (AP Photo/The Connecticut Post,Brian A. Pounds ) MANDATORY CREDIT

Metro-North employees work at the site of Friday's train derailment in Bridgeport. Conn. on Sunday, May 19, 2013. Crews will spend days rebuilding 2,000 feet of track, overhead wires and signals following the collision between two trains Friday evening that injured 72 people, Metro-North President Howard Permut said Sunday. (AP Photo/The Connecticut Post,Brian A. Pounds ) MANDATORY CREDIT

A tornado touches down southwest of Wichita, Kan. near the town of Viola on Sunday, May 19, 2013. The tornado was part of a line of storms that past through the central plains on Sunday. (AP Photo/The Wichita Eagle, Travis Heying)

President Barack Obama is straightens his tie before he receives an honorary doctorate of laws degree during the Morehouse College 129th Commencement ceremony, Sunday, May 19, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Monday:


As an African-American man, he tells Morehouse's Class of '13, 'I might have been in prison. I might have been unemployed. I might not have been able to support a family. And that motivates me.'


A tornado causes major damage at trailer park near Oklahoma City; a spotter says earth has been 'scoured.'


The single winning ticket for the $590.5 million Powerball, sold in Zephyrhills, can be redeemed as soon as Monday morning.


Shouts of vindication could become a recruitment tool for those who fear an overreaching US government.


The Connecticut collision knocks out Amtrak between New York and Boston, along with service for 30,000 Metro-North riders.


The US and Russia now face an even tougher task persuading Assad and opponents to sit down.


The option has re-emerged but the fate of east Jerusalem remains a major sticking point.


Experts are looking into whether the projectiles fired over the weekend are short-range missiles or a new type of artillery.


She won eight of 11 awards, including top artist and top Billboard 200 album for "Red."


San Antonio opens Western Conference finals with 105-83 win over Memphis.

Associated Press


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Table for 7: Crock Pot Sweet Pork #SundaySupper

How is every one's weekend? Whew..mine has been busy! My mom has been visiting since Thursday, all the kids had events at their school yesterday (4 kids, 2 different schools) then, we had a BBQ on Saturday with my sisters and their families. A ton of fun, but, ah!?

I very much looking forward to getting a bit of rest today.

Oh..speaking of today...

I am so excited! It's my very first #SundaySupper!

What is #SundaySupper???It's a?fabulous?group of bloggers that join together each week to share recipes and ?stories It's a great way to connect with some bloggers you have always read or meet some new ones. ?Awesome, right? ?OK, so, for my first week the theme is the slow cooker! ?Can you believe it? I was so darn excited. ?You guys know how much I love my crock pot :)

This dish is so easy. ?Like, make with your eyes closed easy. Yes. Three simple ingredients. Three?ingredients?that you may just have sitting around your kitchen right now. ?The other greatness is you can make it hot or not. ?Depending on your salsa taste, this can be a seriously hot pork or a nice, mild one.?

I paired ours with my homemade was delicious! Enjoyed by the entire?family.
{you could pair this combo with chicken too}

Crock Pot Sweet Pork

Recipe by?Butter, with a Side of Bread
Prep time:?10 minutes
Cook time:?7-8 hours
  • 2 lbs?boneless pork
  • 2 cups?salsa
  • 1 cup?brown sugar
Cooking Directions:
  1. Spray crock pot or line with crock pot liners/parchment paper. Add pork into crock pot.?
  2. In a separate bowl, mix salsa and brown sugar well. Pour over pork.?
  3. Cook on low for 7-8 hours or on high for 4 hours.
  4. Shred/cut pork before serving.
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Bad Bad Hats: It Hurts

When you're looking for something upbeat, some rhythmic clapping and a kazoo solo really help. "It Hurts" is from Bad Bad Hats' 2013 EP of the same name and it's just kind of a good soundtrack for everything. The indie, folk, hipster vibe is definitely present, but if that's what it takes to get some kazoo happening we'll just have to deal with it.


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Good Quality Cables Can Help Your System Perform Better - Artipot

You have got the most expensive hifi system, have fitted the best performing accessories, have positioned your speakers correctly and have got the most powerful amplifier for your system, but still your system doesn't perform well. At least your system doesn't give you the acoustic feel you wanted. Have you ever wondered why so? You have spend almost half of your saving choosing the best hifi system among all available options in the market, still if your pricey system does not give you the results you expected, the experience is definitely frustrating. This doesn't mean that your dealer has cheated upon you or your system is a faulty one. There may be some internal drawbacks that are holding back your system from giving you the best ever performance.

You get the best accessories for your hifi device and install it at the best fitting position of your home, but you tend to forget to check the cables. Cables usually limit the functioning of hifi devices. In almost all hifi equipment, cabling is the main factor that decides how well a system performs. If you get the most expensive system or the best brand available, but connect counterparts of the device with poor quality cables, chances are there that your device might not perform exceedingly well. This way you are simply wasting all of the time and money you have invested in the careful design and installation of your most favorite hifi system. For you, cables might be of least consideration or the last thing that hinders value performance of a hifi device, but for your equipment, cables are the most integral part that binds their parts together, safely and reliably. Like a car cannot perform well or travel a long distance without good quality, durable tires, similarly a high end system cannot possibly perform to its fullest extent when interconnected with average cables. Good quality cables are imperative for any system as it enhances the safety, performance and longetivity of the system.

When speaking of good quality cables, Vertere is one such brand that manufactures high quality cables. Vertere cables are well known for their superlative quality performance and best in safety standards. Vertere cables are highly refined and mark the pinnacle of audio reproduction. All Vertere cables offer far greater enjoyment and the best acoustic performance, let it be the most basic audio system or one of the most exotic and expensive of high end systems available. Connecting your system with Vertere cables marks a remarkable leap in performance, beyond what most would consider possible. Vertere cables use the best and unique materials that are highly durable and long lasting. All cables from the manufacturer are designed for a flawless transfer of audio and signal transmission. These cables have been a highly recommended, long-term favorite accessories of thousands of satisfied customers round the globe. Not only connecting your system with Vertere cables will help enhance the quality of sound and acoustic performance of the system, but the cables also help ensure safety of your expensive devices from digital hiccups and voltage fluctuations.


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Ask Engadget: can you use an Android tablet as a graphics tablet?

Ask Engadget can you use an Android tablet as a graphics tablet

We know you've got questions, and if you're brave enough to ask the world for answers, then here's the outlet to do so. This week's Ask Engadget inquiry is from Xan, who wants Cintiq functionality without paying Cintiq prices. If you're looking to ask one of your own, drop us a line at ask [at] engadget [dawt] com.

"I'm a student and I'm considering staying on to do graphic design, and I really like the look of Wacom's Cintiq devices. Unfortunately I couldn't afford one even if I sold a kidney, so I was wondering if I could turn an Android tablet into a cheaper version? I figure a device like the Galaxy Note 10.1 with its Wacom digitizer would be a good fit, so is there a way to do it? Thanks!"

We're sucking in air through our teeth, as we're sorry to say, we can't think of a way this could be done successfully. There's a few problems like no software, a lack of bandwidth and doubts over the accuracy of a tablet to replicate such a sophisticated piece of hardware. That said, perhaps the forthcoming Surface Pro software update might solve this problem altogether, but an Android tablet? We're not so sure. But if there's anyone out there who has made it happen and wants to share their revelation, why not leave a note below?

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Crazy ants vs. Fire ants: Who's winning? (+video)

Crazy ants are taking over areas once occupied by fire ants in the South. The sting of Crazy ants isn't as painful and migrate slowly. But Crazy ants multiply faster.

By Douglas Main,?LiveScience / May 18, 2013

Invasive fire ants have been a thorn in the sides of Southerners for years. But another invasive species, the so-called "crazy" ant ? that many describe as being worse ? has arrived and is displacing fire ants in several places.

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"When you talk to folks who live in the invaded areas, they tell you they want their fire ants back," said Edward LeBrun, a researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, in a statement from the school. "Fire ants are in many ways very polite. They live in your yard. They form mounds and stay there, and they only interact with you if you step on their mound."

Crazy ants, on the other hand, "go everywhere," invading homes and nesting in walls and crawlspaces, even damaging electrical equipment by swarming inside appliances. [Image Gallery: Ants of the World]

A study published in the April issue of the journal Biological Invasions found that in areas infested with crazy ants, few to no fire ants were present. Exactly how they are able to outcompete fire ants is so far unknown. In areas with crazy ants, the researchers also found greatly diminished numbers of native ant species, according to the study.

Fire ants are known for their painful stings and have spread through the Southeast since arriving from South America in the 1930s. Crazy ants were first discovered in Houston in 2002, and they have already spread to coastal areas from Texas to Florida, according to the researchers. Although the "crazies" don't have as painful a sting as fire ants, they multiply in even greater numbers. They are also difficult to control since they don't eat the same poison baits as fire ants do, the statement noted.

Last year, the crazy ant species was identified as Nylanderia fulva, which hails from northern Argentina and southern Brazil, according to a 2012 study in PLOS ONE. It's also known as the tawny crazy ant and was previously named the Rasberry crazy ant after the exterminator Tom Rasberry, who first discovered it. The "crazy" moniker comes from the ant's quick, seemingly random movements.

Luckily, the crazy ant doesn't spread as quickly as the fire ant, advancing only 650 feet (200 meters) per year on its own, the release noted. Therefore, it's vital that people don't accidentally transport the ant, the prime method by which it has spread, according to the release.

Email?Douglas Main?or follow him on?Twitter?or?Google+. Follow us @livescience, ?Facebook?or ?Google+. Article originally on

Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Ex-Pa. officer once hailed as hero faces charges

PHILADELPHIA (AP) ? A former Philadelphia police officer once hailed as a hero and given a seat next to the first lady at a speech by President Obama has been arrested and charged with rape and other crimes.

Authorities allege that former officer Richard DeCoatsworth left a party with two females early Thursday and took them to another location, where they allege that he produced a handgun and "forced the two females to engage in the use of narcotics and sexual acts."

A police spokeswoman said the two called police after he left, and 27-year-old DeCoatsworth was charged with rape, sexual assault, terroristic threats and related offenses.

DeCoatsworth was hailed as a hero after he was shot in the face during a traffic stop in September 2007 but still managed to chase after his attacker, who was later sentenced to 36 to 72 years in prison.

DeCoatsworth was invited by Vice President Joe Biden to attend the president's televised February 2009 address to Congress and sat with first lady Michelle Obama. He said he didn't know why he had been singled out, but being in the presence of the nation's leaders was an honor "that I will keep with me for the rest of my life."

WCAU-TV, which first reported his arrest, said DeCoatsworth retired from the department on disability in December 2011.

Police said no other information on the alleged attack would be released Saturday to protect the victims and the integrity of the ongoing investigation. Authorities declined to say give even general locations for the party and alleged crime scene and also wouldn't say when DeCoatsworth was arrested.

A listed number for DeCoatsworth has been disconnected and it was unclear whether he had an attorney.

Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey told a Philadelphia Daily News columnist in February of last year that he believed he had made a mistake in granting the former officer's request to go back to work too soon after he was shot.

"God bless him for still wanting to get out there and do police work, but did I act in his best interest? In hindsight, I would say probably not," Ramsey told columnist Sty Bykofsky.


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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Live video: East Avenue Wegmans tour (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)

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Arcade Alarm Clock: The Konami Code Won't Buy You More Shuteye

It might have given you invincibility or unlimited ammo on the countless games that acknowledged it, but sadly the Konami code won't buy you a single second of extra sleep on this custom Xronos alarm clock. But the large scoreboard-like LED display and use of authentic console buttons will have you wondering if you fell asleep at the arcade again.




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Obtaining polymers with ? la carte optical and electrical properties

May 15, 2013 ? By adding semiconducting nanoparticles to polymers, the Materials + Technologies Research Group (GMT) of the Polytechnical College of San Sebastian of the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country has created nanostructured composite materials with specific optical and electrical properties that vary according to size. These properties allow researchers to synthesise particles of the size corresponding to the desired properties, and by adding these particles to polymers, to give the final product one specific property or another.

At the UPV/EHU's Polytechnical College of San Sebastian they are working with particles that act like quantum dots, specifically with cadmium and selenium composite nanoparticles. One of the characteristics of quantum dots is that the optical and electrical properties of the particle vary according to size.

In the case of the cadmium and selenium composite particles, this variation takes place in nanoparticles of less than 10 nanometres -- a nanometre is equal to one millionth of a millimetre -- , and, "therefore it is not the same to have a nanoparticle of 3 nanometres or one of 6 nanometres," explains Haritz Etxeberria, researcher in the UPV/EHU's department of Chemical Engineering and the Environment and author of the research. This allows nanoparticles with very specific properties to be synthesised, and subsequently when these nanoparticles are incorporated into other materials, the researcher can prepare new composite materials with pre-selected properties. "Through nanocharges it is possible to add other properties to the intrinsic properties of the basic materials: nanoparticles, nanoclays, fibres, etc. Finally, by uniting the properties of some of them, materials with new properties are obtained," says Etxeberria.

In opto-electronics, biomedicine and in the field of solar panels the authors are seeking applications for the particles that function like quantum dots.

The work done by Etxeberria consisted of synthesising composite cadmium and selenium nanoparticles, and subsequently, of analysing methods for inserting these nanoparticles into a polymer. The main challenge tends to be in fact dispersing the nanoparticles properly throughout the polymer; failure to achieve this means that the composite material will not have the properties that one wants to give it by means of the nanoparticles. "Because the nanoparticles are so small, they tend to group together. So large agglomerates are obtained and they appear mixed in different phases. But when their size is increased, they lose the properties they have as nanoparticles," stresses Etxeberria.

In the first phase of the research work, Etxeberria synthesized nanoparticles of cadmium selenide of different sizes and, bearing in mind the importance of size in the properties of the particle, he analysed various synthesis parameters to optimize the synthesis of the nanoparticles and obtain nanoparticles of cadmium selenide of the desired size and properties.

In the second phase, he analysed methodologies for inserting and dispersing nanoparticles of a specific size (of between 3 and 4 nanometres) throughout the polymer. For this purpose he worked with a block copolymer made of polystyrene and polybutadiene. "We used block copolymers because they allow the phases to be obtained. They share immiscible ingredients, but because they are bonded to each other, they create phase arrangements on a nanometric level, and allow the adding of nanoparticles that have an affinity with one phase or another," explains Etxeberria.

Etxeberria was aiming to disperse the cadmium selenide nanoparticles in the polystyrene phase. To do this, he tried out various functionalization techniques. Functionalization means that molecules that will render the nanoparticles miscible in the selected phase are added to their surface so that they can be properly dispersed throughout the polymer. The best results were obtained by means of the technique known as "grafting through." "Using the grafting through technique, the nanoparticles are placed in the environment in which styrene polymerization takes place. That way, the polymer sometimes grows from the nanoparticle surface, other particles are trapped between the polymer chains, and free polymer is also created," explains Etxeberria. The result is a material that has an affinity with polystyrene, and which produces the desired homogenous dispersion when blended with the block copolymer.

This has been demonstrated by the measurements carried out on the composite material created: the composite material has the same optical and electrical characteristics that the nanoparticles had initially. In view of the good results of the technique, Etxeberria is now working on other materials, like cellulose.


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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

BlackBerry Messenger announced for Android!

Android Central

Today at BlackBerry Live 2013, the quintessential BlackBerry Messenger was announced as coming to Android this summer! It's going to be totally free, which is a welcome surprise. 

CEO Thorsten Heins announced his company's goal to make BBM the standard in cross-platform messaging and that they'll be bringing their long-standing device-exclusive service to iOS and Android. In the long run, they intend to include advanced features like groups, screen sharing, and the recently-announced Channels to the other platforms. Keep an eye out for this one in Google Play over the next couple of months, and expect it to displace a lot of the current messaging platforms out there. 

Any of you guys know folks that still use BBM? Any ex-BlackBerry-owners that miss BBM?



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